Unionising the Games Industry

Gamedevs’ Roundtable at Ver.di Formulates Demands for Fair Conditions in the Games Industry

Next to devcom, the game worker group Gamedevs’ Roundtable has held a press conference with six demands for better working conditions in the games industry. Apart from improved salaries, a collective agreement and contract standards, the group is asking for gender equality and an end to the penalisation and stigmatization of part-time work with the support of ver.di.

Pascal Wagner19.08.2024 14:36
Gamedevs’ Roundtable at Ver.di Formulates Demands for Fair Conditions in the Games Industry
Ver.di main associate representatives from the Federal level supported the effort of the game worker's roundtable and demands. GamesMarkt

On a press conference at Youth Hostel Deutz near devcom, ver.di representatives and three volunteers from the games industry have published the demands as part of the group Gamedevs’ Roundtable at ver.di.
