Games Funding Germany

German States' Statement Raises Hopes for Quick Agreement

Following the initial individual reactions, the German federal states have now coordinated a joint statement. The requested improvements do not appear to be excessive and a compromise is within reach. A further development towards a tax credit system is also not off the table.

Stephan Steininger14.05.2024 10:23
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz / BMWK
The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection has initiated a dialogue on the further development of games funding with its own key points. The federal states have now submitted their coordinated response.

After the Federal Ministry of Economics presented its key points for a new funding guideline, criticism was not long in coming, especially from Berlin, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. However, there was also praise and approval from all sides for one point or another. Now the 16 federal states have also agreed on a united response and issued a coordinated statement, which is available to GamesMarkt.
