Networking and Wanderlust

Bavarian Games Hike 2024 With 62 Participants at Schliersee

On 24 July, 62 games developers, publishers and service providers from Bavaria gathered for the traditional Games Hike, which has been held annually since 2011 as a networking event.

Marcel Kleffmann26.07.2024 11:25
Bavarian Games Hike 2024 With 62 Participants at Schliersee
Bavarian Games Hike 2024 with 62 participants at Schliersee Games Bavaria Munich e.V.

The Games Hike (in German: Games Wanderung) has been a Bavarian tradition since 2011. On 24 July, 62 games developers, publishers and service providers from Bavaria hiked from Schliersee to Rixneralm & the ruins of Hohenwaldeck Castle to meet industry colleagues and expand their network. For the first time, Munich-based developers Aesir Interactive and Irox Games organised the event and coordinated it with FFF Bayern. The majority of the funding was provided by the FFF Bayern's Media Location Funding Programme, with Aesir Interactive & Irox Games providing the remainder. Games Bavaria Munich e.V. also enabled all latecomers and those on the waiting list to take part and covered their costs.
