Interim Use

Special Exhibition 'The Portal' Opened in Munich City Hall

The VR exhibition 'The Portal' will be held in seven currently vacant retail spaces in Munich City Hall until the end of December. 360-degree films and interactive VR apps that have debuted at international festivals will be shown.

Stephan Steininger18.09.2024 08:07
Susanne Mitterer (Deputy Head of the Competence Team for Cultural and Creative Industries, Munich), Astrid Kahmke (CEO Ionda/Director The Portal),  Anton Biebl, Silke Schmidt (XR HUB Bayern), Max Permantier  The Portal
Susanne Mitterer (Deputy Head of the Competence Team for Cultural and Creative Industries, Munich), Astrid Kahmke (CEO Ionda/Director The Portal), Anton Biebl (Head of the City of Munich Cultural Office) Silke Schmidt (Head of XR HUB Bayern), Max Permantier (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern; from left to right) LHM/Michael Schinharl

The interim use is being facilitated and promoted by the interdepartmental team of experts on cultural and creative industries of the state capital of Munich. The Department of Labour and Economic Development, the Department of Arts and Culture and the Municipal Department are working together on the project. The Municipal Department is providing the space, which consists of a total of seven currently unlet shop spaces in Munich City Hall.
