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Bavaria's Digital Minister Mehring increases budget for Games/Bavaria initiative

The Free State of Bavaria will fund the Games/Bavaria initiative with 1,052,000 euros in 2023 and 2024. Among other things, the significant budget increase is intended to strengthen the GG Bavaria event. Mehring also declared 2024 to be the "Bavarian Year of Games".

Stephan Steininger30.11.2023 14:28
(v.l.): Anja Krendlinger, Laura Wünsch (beide Games/Bavaria), Bayerns Digitalminister Dr. Fabian Mehring, Alexandra Palme (Games/Bavaria), Medien.Bayern-Geschäftsführerin Lina Timm und Simone Watzinger (Games/Bavaria)
Significantly more funding for Games/Bavaria (from left) Anja Krendlinger, Laura Wünsch (both Games/Bavaria), Bavaria's Digital Minister Dr Fabian Mehring, Alexandra Palme (Games/Bavaria), Medien.Bayern CEO Lina Timm and Simone Watzinger (Games/Bavaria) at the presentation of the funding decision Games/Bavaria, Pia Obermaier

As Bavaria's new Digital Minister, Dr Fabian Mehring has also taken a clear stance on the games industry: "Games are not a hobby for IT nerds, but the Formula 1 of digitalisation. This industry of the future generates enthusiasm for the digital world and - almost in passing - develops tomorrow's innovations for Bavaria's economy and in the field of everyday digitalisation. I want to provide the greatest possible political support for this," said Mehring at the presentation of the funding decision for 2023 and 2024 to the Initiative Games/Bavaria.
