Retro Gaming

Plaion Distributes The Spectrum From Retro Games and Also the Atari 7800+

On 22 November 2024, a modern recreation of the ZX Spectrum from 1982 will be launched across Europe, simply called The Spectrum. Just recently, Plaion and Atari announced the Atari 7800+ and a range of new games.

Marcel Kleffmann28.08.2024 11:18
Plaion Distributes the Spectrum From Retro Games and Also the Atari 7800+
The Spectrum Retro Games, Plaion

Plaion and Retro Games have announced that The Spectrum - a modern recreation of the 1982 ZX Spectrum - will be released across Europe on 22 November 2024 for 99.99 Euros. The ZX Spectrum is "a widely recognized symbol of the technological revolution of the 1980s, and it is this historical status that helped inspire Retro Games Ltd to make a faithful replica that incorporates modern quality of life features," says Plaion.
