
Just Dance 2025 & Just Dance VR

Not only is Just Dance 2025 Edition building on the existing platform of songs from the 2023 and 2024 Editions, Ubisoft is also bringing the first VR title of the series, Welcome to Dancity, out at the same time.

Pascal Wagner08.10.2024 09:05
Just Dance 2025 & Just Dance VR

There are few stables in the games publication landscapes as consistent as the Just Dance series. Not just does the series release an updated entry every year, each with a new catalogue of songs, some quality of life changes and new functions — The online subscription service of the series, Just Dance+, is also compatible with each new entry since the 2023 edition. Players who have Just Dance 2023 Edition, 2024 Edition and 2025 Edition will have all their content displayed together in one hub, avoiding the typical sequel problem of content missing at the start of a new game cycle. Brand new content is of course provided as well: 40 new songs by ranging artists from Green Day to Ariana Grande. Six people can dance together, taking different roles in the performance from main stager to background dancer, and compare their high scores after each performance.
