Politicians Galore

Söder and Kellner to Hold Laudatory Speeches at DCP

For the first time since 2018, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder will attend the German Computer Game Award this year. Federal Commissioner Michael Kellner is also scheduled for a laudation speech.

Pascal Wagner15.04.2024 08:00
Söder and Kellner to Hold Laudatory Speeches at DCP
Kellner (left) and Söder will be at this year's DCP this week. BMWK / CSU

Although election campaigns for the Bavarian state level are over, this years German Computer Game Awards (DCP) 2024 will see the return of Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder to the stage. Söder had been at DCP six years ago, when he awarded the title of Best German Game to Hamburg studio Barrel Roll Games for Witch It.
