Consumer Protection

VGFB Supports VGE Arguments With Own Survey

The Belgian Games Federation is using the results of its own survey to support the arguments of the VGE and EGDF in response to complaints from consumer protection organisations against in-game purchase mechanisms of some publishers. The results show that Belgian parents are aware of the spending of their children.

Stephan Steininger17.09.2024 08:59
VGFB Supports VGE Arguments With Own Survey
Screenshot VGFB

Do game publishers use unfair methods to entice customers into making in-game purchases? This question has been raised at the European level since consumer protection organisations formally submitted complaints against seven publishers to the EU. The European industry associations VGE (Video Games Europes) and EGDF (European Games Developer Federation) countered the accusations with reference to a study by Ipsos from June. The Belgian association VGFB (VIdeo Games Federation Belgium) is now following up and quoting from its own survey.
