Politics & Funding

What the Federal Government's New Games Funding Looks Like

At the opening of gamescom 2024, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck announced the key points of the German government's games funding programme. If all goes to plan, it should be in place by the start of 2025.

Marcel Kleffmann21.08.2024 19:05
Eröffnung gamescom 2023 mit Dr. Robert Habeck (MdB Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz), Adenauer Saal, Congress Centrum Nord
Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Archive Picture

Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, gave the opening speech at gamescom in the evening, emphasising the ministry's commitment to the German games industry. In his speech, he also outlined the new funding guideline "Games Funding by the Federal Government". Despite the tight budget situation, the funding level remains constant and funding for the industry can be stabilised. The funding guideline is currently being coordinated within the Federal Government and must then be approved by the EU Commission. The new funding is expected to start at the beginning of 2025.
