Investor Day

How Electronic Arts Plans to Lead the Market With Its Major Brands

At Investor Day, Electronic Arts provided an interesting insight into how the major sees its future. In addition to a lot of news about doubling the audience, the use of AI, a Sims movie or the setting of Battlefield, the information between the lines was particularly exciting: the EA brands are well on the way to becoming their own metaverse-styled platforms.

Stephan Steininger18.09.2024 12:01
Cam Weber President EA Sports, Laura Miele, President EA Entertainment & Technology, Andrew Wilson, CEO Electronic Arts, Byron Beed, Group General Manager Battlefield (from left to right)
Cam Weber President EA Sports, Laura Miele, President EA Entertainment & Technology, Andrew Wilson, CEO Electronic Arts, Byron Beed, Group General Manager Battlefield (from left to right) Screenshot EA Webcast of Investor Day 2024

An Investor Day is always about how good the future prospects are. This applies even more to US companies. And so it is not surprising that this year's Investor Day at Electronic Arts is full of self-confidence, strength and growth. CEO Andrew Wilson's core message is for sure: "We believe over the next five years we can double our audience to well over a billion people."
