Games funding in Germany

Federal Court of Audit Wades Into the Funding Debate and is Criticised by game

In a "final audit report", the Federal Court of Audit has criticised the way in which federal funding for games is handled in Germany. Although the criticism is primarily aimed at the previous government's concept of funding, it also concerns the creation of a new funding guideline. Criticism comes from game: the Federal Court of Auditors fails to recognise the global market reality.

Stephan Steininger27.06.2024 14:25
Mauer mit Schriftzug Bundesrechnungshof am Bonner Dienstsitz
Wall with lettering of the Bundesrechnungshof (Federal Court of Audit) at the Bonn headquarters Bundesrechnungshof

The criticism is fierce: in a "Abschließenden Mitteilung an das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)" (Final Communication to the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action), the Bundesrechnungshof (Federal Court of Audit) has summarised numerous points of criticism against the funding of computer game development at federal level.
